Kanchanaburi gunman robs more than 7,000 baht from 7-Eleven

A gunman in Kanchanaburi robbed over 7,000 baht from a 7-Eleven early this morning. Illusive who were working on the retailer when it occurred mentioned the gunman seems 30 to forty years old, and about 170 centimetres tall. They added that he was barefoot, and wore a white and grey shirt with brown trousers. Surge had a white fabric overlaying his face.
The robber introduced a white plastic bag that he ordered one employee to place the money in. His handgun was inside the bag. She gave him the store’s counter cash, which added as a lot as 7,030 baht. This 7-Eleven is positioned on Mae Nam Mae Klong Road within the Mueang district. Police are investigating and reviewing security footage of the theft. The two staff refused to speak to reporters.
Another robbery occurred on Tuesday in Saraburi when a man robbed around 210,000 baht from a financial institution. Local police found the suspect just 24 hours after he robbed the bank, at his house about 10 kilometres from the bank..

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